Peer reviewed
“Redefining Acceptable Conduct: using social landlords to control behaviour”, Local Government Studies, Vol. 25, No.1, Spring 1999.
"How to Issue a Bond: nine tips for housing associations", The Guardian, 17th December 2014
"Who Will Cast the First Stone?", The Guardian, 15th April 1998.
"Soft Options", Housing, October 1997, p. 34.
Column in "Signal", Newsletter of the West Midlands Region of the National Federation of Housing Associations, June 1996.
"A Policy Too Far", Housing, December 1995/January 1996, p. 45.
Column in "Signal", Newsletter of the West Midlands Region of the National Federation of Housing Associations, December 1995.
Column in "Signal", Newsletter of the West Midlands Region of the National Federation of Housing Associations, September 1995.
"No Roof of your Own", The Guardian, 19th July 1995
Reprinted in Visible Minority News, September 1995.
Column in "Signal", Newsletter of the West Midlands Region of the National Federation of Housing Associations, Summer 1995.
Column in "Signal", Newsletter of the West Midlands Region of the National Federation of Housing Associations, Spring 1995.
"Homing in on the public sector", The Guardian, 8th February 1995.
Formal address and submission to Midlands Housing Enquiry in Leicester, subsequently printed in full submission to Department of Environment, September 1994.
"Selectivity is the Watchword", Midlands Builder, July 1994, pp 23-25.
"Homelessness and Housing Associations: proposals for action in the West Midlands" published by the West Midlands Region of the NFHA, Winter 1992.
"Rural Housing and the Threat to Community Survival", Voluntary Housing, March 1990, Vol. 23 No. 2, p 23.
"The Need for Caution", Voluntary Housing, December 1986, Vol. 18 No.12, pp 15-16.